Code of conduct
Code of Conduct

Purpose of Code of Conduct
To design a code of conduct and frame a policy document to create awareness for guiding students and to encourage them to adopt and imbibe good behavioural norms thereby setting standards of expected and acceptable personal conduct in an educational institution which can act as a road map in the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons who can positively contribute to the society and nation.
The Code of Conduct for students is mandatory and binding on all students who have enrolled for various UG/PG programme in the College. The competent authority may revise rules as deemed necessary. On revision, the old rules will stand cancelled and the new rules framed will be applicable from the date of approval of the rules with prospective effect. On taking admission, it is presumed that the student has read and understood the code of conduct and undertake to abide by, if failing it disciplinary action against him/her for misconduct or noncompliance may be taken by the competent authority as deemed fit. Ignorance of this code of conduct cannot be considered as a sufficient ground to condone misconduct/non- compliance.
Need and Relevance of the Code
Students are adults and must abide by and adhere to socially acceptable adult behaviour. A Code of Conduct defines boundaries of acceptable behavioural norms and clarifies an organisation’s mission, values and principles linking them with standards of professional conduct. College is an institution of higher learning and it is necessary to maintain a climate of respect, sensitivity and courtesy. This code of conduct has been framed and implemented to create awareness amongst students about appropriate behaviour at college, ensure a better teaching learning experience and to uphold the sanctity and respectof the College as an Institution of higher learning where the future generation is guided to develop one – self as positive contributors to society and the country. An illustrious alumnus, educated well-mannered individual is an asset to the college and society.
All powers relating to the discipline and disciplinary actions in relation to the students shall be vested with the Principal and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as enumerated. There shall be an Ethics Committee to maintain an order in the College Campus and to see that the disciplinary rules are followed properly. Ethics Committee shall consist of (a) The Director, (b) the Principal (c) Vice-Principal (Administration), (d) Vice-Principal (Academic) (e) Head of the Department (Law), and (f) One Senior Faculty member nominated by the Director/ Principal.
Cases of indiscipline or indecent behaviour of any student in the campus of the College and cases of individual/group harassment, threats, manhandling etc. are to be dealt with strictly by the Ethics Committee. The College frames rules and regulations from time to time which have to be diligently followed to maintain a cordial and conducive atmosphere for learning on the campus. The authorities shall be fully authorized to take appropriate action in case of indiscipline or indecent behaviour of the student and expel the concerned student. The general rules for the said purpose, are laid down as follows:
General Discipline
- Self-discipline is the best discipline. All students shall obey the rules and regulations currently in force to enable the smooth functioning of the college. Students must maintain a sense of discipline and decorum in the college campus.
- Courteous behaviour, an essential ingredient of professional competence, is expected from all. Dishonesty, any obscene word or deed or any other act of misconduct will entail disciplinary action.
- Mobile phones, with or without camera, are not allowed in the campus. Students bringing mobile phones must deposit the same in the locker provided at the designated place. If any student is found in possession of a mobile phone, it will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed by the authorities. Emergency calls, if any, can be made from the College office.
- Students are forbidden from attending or organizing any meeting in the college or in its premises or collecting money for any purpose without the written permission of the College authorities.
- Students are not permitted to arrange any unauthorized celebrations and decorations of any magnitude in the college. Students are not permitted to distribute or display (both physically and electronically) material such as notices, banners, etc. in the campus.
- Students shall not hold any agitations, demonstrations, dharnas etc. inside the campus so that no obstruction/disturbance is caused to the smooth functioning of the College and conduct of classes. Students shall not disrupt ongoing classes or prevent teachers from conducting classes or other students from attending classes. In such cases, College authorities will initiate disciplinary proceedings against the erring student who disrupted the academic activity. (Ref: See judgment of the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in Leo Lukose CUSAT and others in WP(C)No.33335 of 2015.)
- Political activity in any form, under any banner is strictly prohibited in the campus.
- While representing the college at any other place, the student’s behaviour should not be detrimental to the reputation of the college.
- Mar Ivanios College of Law takes pride in its clean and green campus. Since college follows Green Protocol in the campus, students are expected to dispose all kinds of garbage, tea-cups, plastic bottles, papers etc., that they use, in the proper bins, whether in Canteen, or in class rooms or in common places, and thereby keep the place clean. Stringent measures will be taken against those students who pollute or deface any part of the campus. Littering would attract a fine.
- Students are not permitted to bring their four wheelers to the Mar Ivanios Campus. Students are expected to drive their two wheelers at moderate speed through the Mar Ivanios Campus following traffic rules.
- Students are forbidden from inviting friends from other institutions and outsiders to the College during college hours or in any function without the written permission of the college authorities.
- Wilful damage to property and equipment of campus will have to be compensated for. Pasting of posters and notices on walls or disfiguring the building and campus, imprinting footsteps on the walls of classrooms and corridors, in any form is forbidden.
- Student must maintain silence in the classes, Library, Reading Room, Office, and the corridors. When they are free, they should make use of the college library and must not loiter in the college premises or assemble in the corridor. Loud conversation and shouting must be avoided. Every student shall maintain high standard of peace, tranquillity and ideal conduct, cleanliness, and discipline in classrooms and in the campus.
- Students are not permitted to enter into other classrooms without permission of the competent authority.
- Student should clear all the dues before the end of the semester.
- On completion of the course, students should get clearance of dues from all concerned offices in the prescribed No Due Form (which includes the surrendering of the identity card, Fees and other dues clearance, returning library books, etc.) and submit the same in the administrative office. If any students fail to clear the dues, the same shall be forfeited from the caution deposit. Transfer Certificate shall be issued only to those students who clear all the dues.
- Students shall not give false or incomplete replies to questions, verbal or written, on applications, forms or other documents required by properly authorized authority of the college.
- Students who intend to represent the college in inter-collegiate events shall take prior permission from the Principal and the selection will be based on parameters such as academic performance, attendance, competence of the student in the proposed event for participation.
- If students wish to attend any competitions/events which need overnight stay, they should produce the consent letter of their parents to that effect, in writing.
- Any act of indiscipline and misconduct reported shall be forwarded to the enquiry committee by the Principal. The recommendation of the Committee shall be placed before the College Council and action taken shall be informed to the parties and guardians concerned.
- The class hours of the college are from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm spaced in five periods. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each period. Late comers will not be given attendance. Impersonation during roll call warrants disciplinary action.
- During the conduct of lectures, students should not loiter in the corridors or in and around the college premises.
- Habitual negligence of academic work, absence from internal examinations, non-submission of assignments in prescribed time and mode, frequent absence from classes etc., will be reported to the parents and if not corrected, may lead to termination from the course, subject to rules and regulations of the University.
- Students should carefully follow the Notices put up on the Notice Board of the College and online communications. All-important notices and announcements are communicated through students’ E-mails and put-up on the college website. No excuse will be considered if Notices on the Board or online notices are ignored.
- In case of any problem, personal or academic, students can approach their faculty mentor or class mentor who will help them to solve their problems or can approach the counsellor.
- Students should be present on time for all their internal examinations. Students shall not be permitted to enter the exam hall if they arrive 10 minutes after commencement of the internal examination. More details regarding internal assessment is given in the Guidelines for Internal Assessment.
- Students creating disturbance of any kind within the examination hall or attempting to engage in malpractices or exhibiting unruly conduct will lead to the cancellation of examination and shall be subjected to disciplinary proceedings, wherever found appropriate.
Dress Code, Identity Card, Timing
- Students are expected to abide by the dress code prescribed by the college. Boys are expected to wear black formal pants and white shirts tucked in and with socks and black shoes, and girls’ white kurtas, black pants and a black waistcoat with socks and black shoes.
- Wearing of tight jeans, leggings, short pants, bermudas etc., is strictly prohibited within the Campus.
- Entry inside the campus will be permitted with proper uniforms. Students attending college on holidays should also be in full uniform. The students shall attend all college functions in college uniform unless otherwise specified.
- Moving out of the campus shall be regulated through Out-Pass system during class hours. Students have to surrender the Out-Pass at the gate when asked for by the security. No student shall leave the campus without permission of the Principal/ Director. Permission shall be given, only for unavoidable reasons.
- Any dress code violation noticed within the campus will attract disciplinary actions including fine.
- Time of arrival – All students shall be inside the classroom by 09:25 AM.
- Students must wear their identity cards properly in the premises of the College and outside the College if they are representing the College and during training, internship and other clinical courses. Further, it should be produced whenever demanded by any of the college staff. No student shall be permitted to enter the college campus without wearing his or her identity card.Identity card should be carefully preserved, and the holder of the identity card will be held responsible for its misuse. In case of loss of identity card, a duplicate must be obtained by paying the prescribed charges and fulfilling the necessary formalities. The College authorities shall have the right to send back home any student if he/she doesn’t possess the identity card. All security guards who serve within Mar Ivanios Campus have the right to check identity card whenever needed.
- For any kind of transaction and correspondence in administrative office, academic office, computer lab, library, etc., swiping of identity card is mandatory. Without identity card, it is not possible to access those facilities.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and would attract severe disciplinary action and punishment.
- The Institution implemented a strict and effective anti-ragging policy based on the UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menance of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution, 2009. This UGC Regulation was framed in accordance with the directions issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to prevent and prohibit ragging in all Indian Educational Institutions and Colleges. Ragging constitutes one or more of the following acts:
- Any conduct by any student or group of students –whether through spoken or written words on physical act-which has the effect of fearing or misbehaving any student,
- Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in ordinary course do and thereby causes shame, annoyance, torment, hardship, embarrassment which inflict intense psychological harm or raise fear on apprehension in any student.
- Any act by senior students that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any student.
- Any act of financial extortion put on any student.
- Any act of physical abuse including sexual abuse, stripping, forcing in lewd acts on gestures causing bodily harm to any student.
- Any act of verbal or written abuse such as calling foul names, insulting publicly, offensive emails which embarrass, annoy and discomfort any student.
- The Anti Ragging Committee shall examine all complaints of anti-ragging and come out with recommendation based on the nature of the incident and conduct proper investigation and submit the report to the College Council with the findings and punishment to be imposed, if found guilty.
- Sexual harassment or any practice derogatory to human dignity and personal privacy are strictly prohibited. Anyone found indulging in such act would be placed before the Internal Complaints Committee/ Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee constituted by the College for taking immediate and appropriate action.
Use of social media
- Students are expected to use the social media carefully and responsibly. They cannot post derogatory comments about the institutions or other individuals from the College on the social media or indulge in any such related activities having grave ramifications on the reputation of the College.
- Students are not allowed to create accounts in social media by using the name of the College or logo or its abbreviations without the permission of appropriate authority.
- Students are expressly prohibited from speaking on behalf of, or for, college with any media organization or publication, or from inviting the same to college, without the express written permission of the Director/Principal.
Acts of gross indiscipline
- Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the rules, the following shall amount to act of gross indiscipline:
- Physical assault or threat to use physical force;
- Carrying of, use of or threat to use of any weapon;
- Keeping, using or inducing to use any intoxicant, including smoking or any drug or contraband. The college campus is a no-smoking zone;
- Carrying mobile phones into the classroom and library;
- Violation of the status, dignity and honour of students belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes;
- Any practice-whether verbal or otherwise-derogatory to women, in general and in particular;
- Any attempts of bribing or corrupting in any manner;
- Wilful destruction of institutional property;
- Creating ill will or intolerance on religious or communal or any other grounds;
- Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the College;
- Entering into argument with security or any staff unnecessarily;
- Suppressing the knowledge of act of indiscipline of other students;
- Abetting, sharing common intention of act of indiscipline with other students;
- Forming unlawful assembly and sharing common object, the act which constitutes an act of indiscipline; and
- Violation of entry-exit rules of the College and library.
- The College may impose following penalties
- a fine;
- Censure (written reprimand that may include the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanctions for continued misconduct)
- Disciplinary Probation (exclusion from specific services or participation in extra-curricular College activities for a specified period of time)
- Restitution (time, money, service) if damages are involved
- Suspension (exclusion from classes and other activities for a definite period of time that does not exceed three months)
- require to tender a written apology by any wronged party, countersigned by the parent;
- expulsion from the rolls of the college.
- Any other penalty as may be decided by the College Council
Note: All fines collected are deposited in the Student Welfare Fund
- The decisions taken by the Principal on matters of discipline shall be final and binding on all students.
1. Every teacher shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty.
2. Every teacher shall abide by and comply with the rules and regulations of the College and all orders and directions of his/her superior authorities.
3. Every teacher shall extend utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he has to deal in the course of his duties.
4. Every teacher shall endeavour to promote the interests and reputation of the College and shall not act in any manner prejudicial there to.
5. No teachers shall indulge in communal activities or make inappropriate remarks on caste, creed, religion, race or sex in respect of his/her relationship with his/her colleagues and trying to use the above activities for improvement of his/her prospects or any other such activity which is against the interest of the College.
6. No teachers shall refuse to carry out the decisions of appropriate administrative and academic bodies and or/ functionaries of the College.
7. No teachers shall bring political influence in any matter of the College including pertaining to his/her service.
8. No teachers shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at her work place.
Teachers and their responsibilities:
Whoever adopts teaching as a profession assumes the obligation to conduct himself /herself in accordance with the ideal of the profession. A teacher is constantly under the scrutiny of his students and the society at large. Therefore, every teacher should see that there is no incompatibility between his precepts and practice. The national ideals of education which have already been set forth and which he/she should seek to inculcate among students must be his/her own ideals. The profession further requires that the teachers should be calm, patient and communicative by temperament and amiable in disposition.
Teachers should:
- Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of them by the community;
- Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession;
- Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research;
- Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc. towards the contribution of knowledge;
- Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and profession through them;
- Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical courses, seminar and research work conscientiously and with dedication;
- Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the university such as: assisting in admission, advising and counseling students as well as assisting the conduct of university examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation; and
- Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community service.
Teachers and the Students
Teachers should:
- Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion;
- Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics;
- Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs;
- Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare;
- Inculcate among student’s scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace;
- Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason;
- Pay attention to only the attainment of the student in the assessment of merit;
- Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help and guide students without any remuneration or reward;
- Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals; and
- Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or administration.
Teachers and Colleagues
Teachers should:
- Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated;
- Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment;
- Refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against colleagues to higher authorities; and
- Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or sex in their professional endeavour.
Teachers and authorities:
Teachers should:
- Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to procedures and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through their own institutional bodies and/or professional organizations for change of any such rule detrimental to the professional interest;
- Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities;
- Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand;
- Co-operate through their organizations in the formulation of policies of the other institutions and accept offices;
- Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession;
- Should adhere to the conditions of agreement of service;
- Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made; and
- Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far as practicable with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility for completion of academic schedule.
Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff:
- Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a cooperative undertaking, within every educational institution; and
- Teachers should help in the function of joint staff-councils covering both teachers and the non-teaching staff.
Teachers and Guardians
Teachers should:
- Try to see that institutions maintain contact with the guardians, their students, send reports of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit of the institution.
Teachers and Society
Teachers should:
- Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programmes which are being provided;
- Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life ;
- Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as would be conducive to the progress of society and hence the country as a whole;
- Perform the duties of citizenship, participate in community activities and shoulder responsibilities of public offices;
- Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any way activities which tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.