All students are to carry out a project work either individually
or in a group of not more than 5 under the supervision of a Teacher. The project work may commence in the 7th semester shall be of any topic related to commerce. Topic once selected shall not be changed normally. The report of the project shall be submitted to the College in duplicate before the completion of the 8th semester.
The students shall be informed to submit the project on or before the due date. Late submission shall not be entertained. In case, one cannot submit it on time, late submission is possible only with the written consent of the Principal/ HoD. The subject teachers have no authority for granting extension of time for submission once the topics are notified.
There shall be no internal assessment for project work. A board of two examiners appointed by the University shall evaluate the report of the project work. The viva-voce based on the project report shall be conducted individually. The maximum marks for the evaluation of the project shall be 100, distributed among the following components of project evaluation.
(1) Statement of the problem and significance of the study – 10
(2) Objectives of the study – 5
(3) Review of literature – 5
(4) Methodology – 15
(5) Analysis and interpretation – 20
(6) Presentation of the report – 15
(7) Findings and suggestions – 10
(8) Bibliography – 5
(9) Viva-voce – 15